It has been a VERY long time since I updatedthe blog, but things are pretty slow in the winter. Here's the skinny:
1) No more critters. All of the livestock is now gone from the farm and is in the freezer.
2) Unseasonable warmth! The weather is unbelievable, it has been in the low 50s this week and I can't remember the last time it was below freezing in the daytime.
3) New garden. I have been taking advantage of the warm weather to get a head start on next year's garden. I have begun building garden beds out of pressure-treated 2x8s. The beds are 16'x 6' and we will have 10 of them, with 3' pathways between. Hopefully this will cut down on the weeding and increase the productivity of the garden.
4)Vacation! Nikki and I had a wonderful 4-day vacation over New Year's in Door County, WI. We stayed at a nice B&B, ate great meals every day, and we both jumped in Lake Michigan on New Year's Day with the Jacksonport Polar Bear Club. The lake temperature was 38°, it was bracing!
That's about all I can think of, hope everyone had a great holiday season.