We got our turkeys yesterday, and our chickens and ducks this morning. Over there on the left is one of the turkey poults, sorry it's a little blurry.
When they ship the chicks there have to be a certain number of birds in each box to provide warmth. If there aren't enough, the hatchery will add random chicks (usually roosters) to the box to make up the minimum number. Some poultry raisers call these free additional birds "packing peanuts". Ideal Hatchery is apparently very generous with their "packing peanuts", because they included TEN mystery chicks in with our order of turkeys! They are all identical yellow fuzz-bodies except for one that has a slightly narrower head. It will be interesting to see what breed they end up being.
The problem is that we were not expecting to nearly double our chicken order, so if anyone out there wants a couple of mystery chicks, they are for sale, cheep! (sorry)
All of the birds look healthy so far and they are very active and never stop eating, so I have high hopes that they will all survive. If you want to come visit and see some very cute baby birds, come on out to the farm!