Saturday, October 18, 2008

Okay, an update!

Sorry that it's been so long.

We still haven't bought any pork, just haven't got around to it, but I did pick up 1/4 of a steer yesterday from our neighbor. I can't believe the size of the ribeyes, we might have to buy bigger plates! All told it's just a bit over 200lbs of beef.

The garden is , for the most part, finished. Still have to harvest the last of the carrots and the parsnips, then hopefully I will have time to till everything under before the ground freezes.

Been doing a bit of duck hunting with below average success. It is finally getting chilly enough that I might climb a tree with my bow one of these evenings.

There is a "chili cook-off" later this month at work to raise money fro the United Way, I'm looking forward to winning it!

Not much else new, I'm a year older and somewhat less than a year wiser, enjoying the autumn and dreading the winter.
