Saturday, April 29, 2006

The pork chops have arrived.

Here are the two newest additions to the farm, Breakfast and Lunch. Lunch is the smaller of the two and has already proved herself an able escape artist. I had to pen them both up in the barn while I re-pigproofed the pasture after she snuck between a 5" gap in the boards of her pen.

So far they seem content to walk around munching on grass and haven't tried to escape from the pasture.

In other news, the garden is doing great, I've got 3-4" pea vines and lots of radishes and salad greens growing very well. Other stuff is a little slow to sprout, but I think the beets and carrots are just starting, hard to tell with the weeds around them.


Anonymous said...

Are you going to build a wallow, so that they can wallow in it?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be cut out for farming. I love pork chops, but Breakfast and Lunch are so cute, I hate to think of their fate. Please don't mistake me for a animal rights activist. I like a good chop like anyone else. Thanks for being strong for the rest of us. (Emily - BJ not BK's wife).

Farmer Jones said...

I don't think I have to build them a wallow, they already like digging holes, so all I'll do is soak it down for them.

Hi Emily! I agree that they are pretty cute right now, and they're fun to watch, very curious. But luckily for me they don't stay cute very long and they are supposed to get more ornery as they get older, so maybe it won't be so hard.

Anonymous said...

Breakfast and lunch are too cute. You can't eat them.

BJ not BK said...

Lunch and breakfast would be great with a mango salsa or a nice teryiaki glaze. mmmm pork chops.