Thursday, May 25, 2006

Living the Wild Life

Oops, that should be "Living AMONG the Wildlife".

When I got home from work yesterday afternoon there was an enormous wild turkey running around the yard! I will admit my first instinct was to shoot it, but logic won out and instead I scattered some cracked corn in the general area I'd seen it. Maybe we'll get a nice local flock and my spring and fall turkey hunting trips won't require more than a 100 yard hike. Other than rabbits and squirrels that's the first game animal I've seen in the actual yard, but there were deer tracks in the garden a few weeks ago.

I was a little worried about Breakfast's eyes, the eyelids looked a little swollen and inflamed. Nikki thought I was crazy and it turned out she was right. Well, only about her eyes being nothing to worry about! They look much better now, it was probably just dust from the fresh bedding I put in there the day before. That is a relief.

Speaking of the pigs, it looks like we have one entire pig sold already! That's pretty cool, I wasn't even thinking about trying to sell them until the fall, especially since they still have about 180lbs to gain between now and then. But I guess many people are interested in what we're doing here at Ardwyn and are interested in the final product, too! I have been getting a lot of comments on the blog, I think it's amazing how many people are interested in a couple of goofs just trying to raise a little food. But I'm glad people are enjoying this, don't be afraid to comment!


Anonymous said...

hi. was wondering if you could ease my pea brain by responding to my comment on your may 19 post? if email is preferable, use thanks loads.

Farmer Jones said...

Oops, sorry I missed that! Yes, Cash is on Heartgard and he also gets Frontline which is supposed to help repel mosquitoes.

BJ not BK said...

Is the plan to raise the pigs to sell or to raise the pigs for your own use when they are mature? Good stuff either way.

Farmer Jones said...

We are going to keep half of a pig for ourselves and hopefully sell the other 3 halves. Just looking to break even and maybe get our half for nothing.

Joe Napalm said...

I'm off to Europe for vacation and ask that you fill in while I'm gone. Can you email me at by 10 AM Saturday, 5/27? I'll give you the login and password for my blog. It'd be nice to have a guest writer while I'm out...

Anonymous said...

Any advise for city-slicker types looking to raise a garden on a condo balcony? Wouldn't have much space obviously, so definately herbs and spices. Any other plants you can think of that will produce?

Farmer Jones said...

Oops, I guess I should check the comments more often. Sorry Mr. Napalm but I didn't see your message until today, the 29th.

Rhino I would say go with a theme garden with your limited space. For instance grow a Roma tomato plant along with some basil and oregano for making fresh marinara. Or grow a tomato plant, a chile, and some cilantro to make salsa. Another good one might be just grow mixed salad greens and radishes, those grow really fast and you could have a few homemade salads.