I don't know what changed, but the garden has just gone crazy this week. Things that didn't seem to be growing well or getting any bigger have just gone berserk. Picked a few pea pods earlier in the week, the second radishes are already huge, kohlrabi is starting to swell and the tomatoes are really putting out some serious vegetative growth. I'm having fun, but still waiting for the first big setback, I just know the insects, raccoons,rabbits and deer are lurking.
The ducks are driving me crazy. I want to put them outside due to the horrible mess they make inside but they still have no feathers and I don't know how they would do. But they are huge, some of them must be close to 2 pounds already. The turkeys have plenty of feathers and I think could go outside, but some of them are still small enough that they could step through the chain link fence.
Speaking of the turkeys, their reputation for stupidity is undeserved from what I have seen so far. They are friendly and don't seem to be any dumber than the ducks are. I opened the door to the outside pen for a little while yesterday and they figured out how to go in and out right away. At this point I am a big fan of the turkeys and am not sure I would bother with ducks again. Pretty much the exact opposite of how I thought I would feel about the birds. I am also encouraged by the prices that people get for fresh turkeys around Thanksgiving, which are much higher than I thought .
The pigs are still pigs, spoiled ones. I was reading about how other people's pigs devour grass clippings, mine won't touch them. Corn is disdained unless it has a beer or milk mixed in with it. They will dump everything out of their feed bowls to get the dinner scraps out and then ignore everything else until they get hungry later. I have cut back on their feed a little to encourage them to get out in the pasture more often instead of laying around the barn all the time, seems to be working.
1 comment:
Ben Franklin was a big fan of the turkey. In fact he lobied to make it the official bird of the United States over the Eagle. Have you ever read Franklin's autobiography? It is a very good read.
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