Monday, June 25, 2007

Pepper's "roller coaster" weekend

Last Thursday I was on a big upswing after seeing Pepper recover from her illness and get her appetite back. Then Friday came. Everything was fine Friday morning, all the pigs were healthy and in fine fettle When I checked on them Friday afternoon, Pepper had developed a definite limp in her left rear leg. I was (probably overly) concerned and was sure she had any of 4 or 5 rare pig diseases or a broken leg. The limp was a little worse on Saturday, and on Sunday she wouldn't put any weight on it at all and pretty much laid in the barn all day. I was convinced it was a broken leg and resigned myself to making an appointment for her at the butcher shop this morning.

Well, I went out to feed the hogs this morning and there was Pepper, running around the pasture like there had never been anything wrong! She has the slightest hitch in her gait, but it looks like she might make a full recovery. What a relief, it really put me in good mood on a Monday morning.

I modified the pig's trough this weekend, and am much more pleased with version 2.0. It eliminates fighting and prevents them from actually climbing into the trough. I am going to draw up some plans and put them on a pig-raising website that I occasionally use, because there is always demand for an inexpensive feeder for the person that's only raising a few hogs.

Last Friday we had our first distribution of Garden Shares and they were very well received. Customers received the following in their 'baskets':
Heirloom Baby Beets
Swiss Chard
Romaine Lettuce
Sugar Snap Peas
Mesclun Salad Greens

I was hoping to include some mulberries, but there just weren't enough ripe ones to bother with. They will definitely be in this week's baskets. We have so many mulberries this year it is amazing.


Anonymous said...

I must say that I am pretty happy about Pepper making a quick recovery. I was not looking forward to getting a 3 legged pig into the back of a pickup.

Anonymous said...

So does anyone have a good kohlrabi recipe?

Farmer Jones said...

I like to slice kohlrabi into thin strips and use it in place of water chestnuts in stir-fry.

Otherwise just sliced and sprinkled with a little salt is good.

Last year I cut some into thick strips and pickled them, they turned out good, too.