Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Falling behind the pace...

I am well behind last year's schedule for planting, but there has not been much to do about it. I have not been able to get in and attack the garden too much because it has been too wet, and I made the mistake last year of rototilling wet clay soil. I have managed to get all the debris and detritus of last year's garden cleared away, and I just may be able to do some tilling this afternoon, we will see how wet the dirt is.

Jung Seeds has already mailed me my potatoes and onions for the year, I think they sent them too early. They are currently taking up valuable space in the bottom of our refrigerator, waiting for me to get the dirt ready. Every morning I say to them "Soon! Soon you will be secure in the earth!" Hopefully they don't get too depressed.

Nikki and I are observing "Turn Off Your TV Week" this week, so please do not tell us what happens on LOST, we'll have to wait for a rerun, I guess. I am staying busy by taking down 3 or 4 trees that are either dead or annoying, and I have 3 yards of "traffic bond" in a pile at the end of the driveway for repairing all of the scrapes, gouges, and potholes I plowed into the driveway over the winter. Not to mention that I still have school 3 nights/week. Only 4 weeks left to go, though.

Thanks for staying tuned in to the blog, now go turn off your TV!


Anonymous said...

"so please do not tell us what happens on LOST" watch reality TV? No wonder you want to turn your TV off.

Real men will be watching Flyers vs. Penguins!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that LOST is not a reality show, unless magical black smoke monsters are real???