Friday, February 27, 2009

Ordered up some birds

Looks like I wasn't a moment too soon. I placed our poultry order for 2009 and it sounds like they are doing a booming business. Theya re sold out of many breeds through the end of April, lucky for me I don't want our birds until the middle of May.

I also found they are not being as flexible about your order as they used to be. In years past you could usually add just a few birds of your choice to one of their standard assortments, now they are enforcing their minimum order numbers strictly. The result of that is that I am going to have about 10-12 more critters than I wanted.

If anyone out there is interested in a few chicks or ducklings in late May, let me know, we are going to have 8-10 chicks, 3-4 ducklings and maybe even 1-2 turkey poults too many.

What we ordered:
1 Barnyard assortment - 2 goslings, 7 ducks, and 7 turkeys. Hatchery picks the breeds, so it will be a surprise.
Buff Orpingtons - Brown egg laying hens - very pretty golden color
Barred Plymouth Rocks - Boys and girls, but I am only keeping one rooster - another very pretty bird.
Cornish Roasters - A fast-growing "meat" bird, all white feathers.


A Brew Rat said...

Have you considered raising pheasants, Farmer Jones?

pfe said...

Can I reserve a bird?

auntdawn said...