We received a phone call at 6:15 this morning, "Hi! This is the post office and we've got a box full of peepers for you!" So I hopped in the car and went to pick them up. It was a small cardboard box with lots of holes and various small bills and beaks popped in and out of them on the drive home, accompanied by a lot of peeps and chirps.
I finished the second brooder box last weekend so everyone had their own home right away. We got 7 birds that are definitely baby ducklings and 9 more that are little chicks or turkey poults or some combination thereof. The ducks took to their new home right away and started eating and drinking with a fury. The turkeys were listless at first, but once I got them underneath the heat lamp for a while they perked right up. I dipped their beaks in the water and then in the feed and that seemed to help them figure out where everything was and when I left they were merrily dashing around and running over each other.
I tried to take pictures this morning but I couldn't convince them to hold still long enough. I'll try again this afternoon when I get home.
Whats up with the replacement pheasants?
I remember my uncle raising baby chics(sp?). He had a large bathtup filled with about 100 or so. He would line up all of these mason jars filled with water, turned upside down into a waterer where they would drink. They were everywhere.
U going to name the turkeys too? How about "Thanksgiving", "Christmas",... ;->
I don't think we'll be getting any pheasants after all, I'm content with the number of birds we have at the moment.
BJ, I know the waterers you mean, the ones I have are just modern versions of the same thing, but made of plastic.
I hadn't thought of naming the turkeys. Right now they are "the smart one", "the yellow one" and " the other ones"
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