Thursday, November 30, 2006


The cold weather moved in today, ending what was a pretty nice November. I got to go deer hunting last weekend at my great-uncle Don's and shot a fair-sized doe on saturday morning, I got it all butchered on Sunday night as soon as I got home and spent Monday evening grinding hamburger. We ended up with just about 10 lbs worth. I'll be taking another 10-12 lbs of trimmings in to Saukvile to get some hot sticks made. The rest is steaks and roasts.

We have gotten some more good feedback on the turkeys from some of our customers, which we were glad to hear.

I forgot to mention a few weeks back that one of the ducks did finally lay some eggs, I got a grand total of three eggs. That was fine because I really just wanted to see how they tasted. I thought they were good, just a bit richer than a chicken egg. The first egg had 2 yolks, so that was a nice surprise.


Anonymous said...

Do you make any deer jerky? I would love some. How about creating a Farmer Jones web site where I can purchase jams, jellies, salsa, soap, etc?

Farmer Jones said...

I haven't made any jerky because
1) it's a lot of work and
2) because I don't really like jerky all that much.

I did make some venison chili the other night from a sirloin roast that I'm fairly sure was the greatest chili ever made by human hands.

Oh, and I use Irish Spring soap, you can buy that anywhere.