Friday, April 04, 2008

Everything is muddy and wet, so it must be spring.

Last weekend I ordered the seeds I need for this year, my potatoes, and my onion plants. I did remember to look at my advice to myself from last year and ordered more potatoes.

I decided not to grow white onions this year because they just don't keep, so it will be yellow and red onions only. I don't think there is all that much difference in flavor between yellow and white onions anyway. I just pulled the last red onion from last year's garden out of the cellar last week, so I need to grow just a few more this year.

I have a little more than half of the garden beds planned out for this season, I'll probably finish doing that on Sunday. I'm not trying to jam plants into every square inch like I did last year, just trying to keep things close enough that weeding is reduced. 2007 was a very instructional year, though, because it showed me just how much food you can produce out of 1000 square feet. I'm sure that with practice you could even do a lot more.

Not much else is going on, things are very busy with work and school, but staying busy is good for me.

1 comment:

Metal said...

cool man, can I bring my pregnant girlfriend up to see what a real garden looks like?