Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Not-so-grand Canyons

Last Friday, Mother Nature sent us some rain. Okay, a LOT of rain! Maybe the hardest rain I've ever seen. It was a real gully-washing, frog-strangling kind of rain. We didn't float away, but it did manage to carve some really interesting and complex canyons into our gravel driveway, some of them more than a foot deep.

The force of the water was so great that it washed the gravel all the way to the bottom of our hill, about 50 yards or so. I wanted to fill enough of the gouges so that we at least had a car's width to drive on, so I had to bring the gravel up from the bottom of the hill. To my great amusement, the ground was too wet for me to get any traction with my garden tractor and dump cart, so I got out the wheelbarrow. I don't know if I'd describe the repair work as fun, but it certainly did help me to pass the time, and bashing my shin into the undercarriage of the wheelbarrow, when it's forward progress was suddenly halted by an unseen rock, allowed me to expand my vocabulary of synonyms for those of illegitimate birth. We have an excavation contractor coming in later this week to refill the rest of the driveway and grade it smooth.

I still have nothing in the garden, it's been too wet and too cold, but I did get some tomato seeds from my friend Mark in Pittsburgh. They are from a pair of varieties grown by members of his family for decades, you have to love a tomato named 'Luigi'! I hope they grow well here, I started the seeds indoors as soon as they arrived. Just give me a few days of warm, dry weather and I am ready to spring onto action!


Anonymous said...

Get a hold of some rounded river rock, and use that as a substrate for the reconstructed driveway.

Anonymous said...

You think so? I was thinking about going with cobblestones...

Anyway, the discussion is pointless, the contractor finished up yesterday.