Monday, June 23, 2008

Time for fencing

It took three years, but it finally happened. The deer and rabbits have found my garden.

I went up to do some weeding on Friday afternoon and found every single one of my pea vines had been neatly chewed off about 6-7" above the ground. The height makes me suspect deer are the culprits. I also had some chewed up leaves on my broccoli and cauliflower plants that appeared to be the work of rabbits. I bought fencing earlier this spring, but never put it up because I haven't needed it in previous years. Guess what I'll be doing this week?

The weather this past week was great for the garden, lots of sun with just enough scattered rain to keep me from having to water. We are pretty much dried out from the deluge earlier this month.

Other than the pea vines, the garden looks pretty good. I am trying to keep my tomato plants under control this year through intensive pruning and training. They look pretty good so far, I'll have too get some pictures posted soon.


Anonymous said...

Man, the deer found our flow garden, and just devestated our funny what they like, and what they won't touch.

I would exact my revenge on those deer this fall, Farmer Jones.

Anonymous said...

....err, that was supposed to be "flower", not flow...