Thursday, June 22, 2006


A while back I noted Nikki's comment that she would believe in growing vegetables from seed when she had her first salad completely from the garden. Well ,last night we had one. Butter lettuce, mesclun greens, radishes, peas, green onions and baby beets. It was great!

I took a few more pictures of the critters yesterday, they are growing so fast! The ducks are losing their down and feathers are just starting to show up, I bought them a kiddie pool to splash around in and they really enjoy it, there are pictures in the 'Poultry' album. The turkeys have been driving me batty, they are constantly escaping. They don't go far, they just sit outside the coop and yelp to their friends inside. But trying to keep track of them is a job. This morning I was cleaning out the duck's area and turned around to find 5 turkeys calmly walking around in the grass outside. So I caught them one by one and put them back in their enclosure and got back to the ducks.Two minutes later I look down and there are 2 turkeys standing in front of my shoes. So I put them back on their side of the coop and sat Cash right outside the gap between the fence and the building while I went down to the barn to get some fencing to close it up. I walk back up to the coop and Cash is still sitting there, but there are 3 turkeys outside the fence walking around him! I got the gap closed up and they were all still inside after going down to take care of the pigs, so I guess it worked.

A few new pictures of the pigs are in the 'Pigs' album at the link, they are growing fast too. I have the one picture of me with Lunch tucked under my arm that was taken just a few weeks ago, I don't think I could hold her up with one arm anymore, and I'm not sure I could pick Breakfast up at all.

The pic at the top is "Smarty", the bronze turkey. It looks like we have 4 different heritage breeds of turkey, I have my suspicions about which breeds they are but I'm waiting for more feathers before I commit to anything.

1 comment:

BJ not BK said...

Those turkeys are hilarious! Can you send me your email address?