Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Garden monsters

To be perfectly honest, the garden is starting to frighten me. Everything is growing so well, I am certain that doom is right around the corner. Last night I had a dream that the neighbor's beef cattle got loose and ate everything in the garden.

We have sweet corn over a foot tall, tomato plants growing out of the tops of their cages,snap peas weighing down their supports, and cauliflower plants so big they are visible from space. Nikki and I have to eat a salad every night at dinner just to keep the various lettuces and greens in check. The only failure so far is the yukon gold potatoes. No sign of growth from them at all.

The pigs are getting really big and really annoying. I am going to start locking them in the barn while I prepare their feed and fill their water, otherwise they crowd around and squeal at you so much that you can't get anything done! The birds are all healthy, most of them are just getting their feathers, and the ducks seem to double in size every day.

Nikki is having a group of her girlfriends from college out to the farm this weekend, so I am getting kicked out of the house. I can't complain though, I am attending a Chili Cookoff/ Microbrew Festival/ Bluegrass fest in Snowmass, Colorado on Friday. Three of my greatest loves in one big festival! Then two friends and I are heading out to the Flat Tops Wilderness Area for 3 days of backpacking and trout fishing at 10,000 feet, in some of the most beautiful scenery in the U.S. I'll get kicked out anytime for a vacation like that!


Anonymous said...

Make sure you take lots of pics of the back country adventure. I am really jealous of you!

Anonymous said...

I heard Farmer Jones was going camping with some hippies. I hope he doesn't come back, and decide to add a new plant to the garden.

Anonymous said...

It was just resolved...Doug has been banned from the BRC because of the existence of Sunset Wheat.