Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Time for fencing

I have been living on the edge so far this year, I keep putting off getting the garden fenced in. I need to get on that, because every time I go to the garden now it seems I am scaring out a rabbit. I will not let the rabbits get a tomato before I do! Last time I was at the garden center they were out of the fencing I wanted, I may have to order it or make do with something else.

I forgot to relate a small success from this weekend, I was helping Nikki in her herb and flower garden area when I noticed some feathery greens, I asked "Is this dill?" and she said "No, that's where you transplanted the asparagus". Apparently, it worked! That is good news, I had no confidence that it would grow at all. Now I think I will transplant some more.

Pepper the pig is better every day, you can't even tell she had a limp unless you look really closely.

As I said in the last post, we are overwhelmed with mulberries this year. Come out to the farm and pick a bucketful! This may be the year that I finally make some mulberry wine. I am thinking of mixing them with some of our blush grapes, using a Bordeaux yeast and aging it on French Oak staves. It could turn out pretty nice! At Ardwyn Farm we will serve no wine before it's time. Or until we are really thirsty, whichever comes first.


Anonymous said...

Are we still mad at the French? I mean French Oak Staves sounds much better than freedom oak staves right?

Farmer Jones said...

Even at the apex of my anger at the French, when the mere sight of a beret would cause me to clench my fists and grind my teeth, I never, ever, held a grudge against their trees.

Anonymous said...

good to see that sound reason and logic is outweighing raw, uninhibited emotion