Thursday, June 21, 2007


I am amazed at how early and how quickly so many things are ripening and fruiting in the garden. I had to tie up heads of cauliflower yesterday, the first planting of kohlrabi is gone, there are 4-5" zucchinis already and even some acorn squash starting! There are at least 75 days untl the average first frost, so there is plenty of time to keep planting things, I just wish I had more seedlings to fill spaces with. I might have to hit the garden centers and buy their closeouts!

Pepper the Pig has been acting a bit lethargic and isn't eating well, I think she got a bad sunburn the other day and I hope that's what's bothering her. I'm keeping a close eye on her and will try taking her temperature this afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed that she pulls through!


Farmer Jones said...

Pepper seems to have made a total recovery. Her temperature was within normal limits and she is back on her feed.

I feel more confident in my "Farmer Jones" title now, I have stuck a thermometer into a 190lb pig's butt and I knew what to look for.

Life is an amazing journey, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Pepper was probably suffering from her our Green House gas emissions and a slight case of global warming.