Monday, May 15, 2006

No pheasants... least for now. We had a grand total of one chick hatch from 17 eggs and it died sometime Saturday night. I guess they must have been shaken up pretty good in transit since both shipments had broken eggs in them. Nikki was at the feed store on Saturday and the owner said he's getting 300 pheasant eggs in soon, maybe we will try again. Otherwise I have thought about maybe getting a few ducklings and skipping the whole egg segment of the life cycle. We'll talk about it and make a decision later this week.

The weather has been absolutely awful, cold and rainy. Luckily it didn't get cold enough to damage anything in the garden but I am glad I resisted the urge to put tomato plants in early. If the rain doesn't let up I might not even get the tomatoes in by this weekend, the soil is much too wet to work right now.

I was gone all day Saturday seeing my good friend Ron deliver the student commencement address at UW-Oshkosh and taking Mom out for a surprise pre-Mother's Day lunch.Came home Sunday morning to find the pigs had a growth spurt. I can't believe how fast they are growing. They look more like pigs and less like piglets after only 2 weeks. They cleaned out their trough completely from both feedings yesterday, so I added another cup of each of the 3 components that make up thier feed. So now it's 3 cups of spent brewer's grain, 3 cups of cracked corn and 3 cups of soy meal twice a day.


BJ not BK said...

did you use a heat lamp or an incubator on the eggs? Just curious.

Farmer Jones said...

We used an incubator. I got one of the styrofoam ones and checked the temperature with a digital thermometer and it was right on.