Monday, May 29, 2006

Spring's Bounty

We have seen even more wild creatures in the yard since I last wrote. The day after first seeing the turkey in the yard he was back again, strolling calmly through the middle of the yard in the late afternoon. Later that evening as I walked into the kitchen my eye was drawn to the backyard by a flash of red. It was a red fox. She was carrying a dead rabbit, presumably to feed a den of kits. I felt conflicted on seeing her. On one hand it is really cool to see a fox, on the other I am getting my ducks and turkeys this week and was hoping to have the ducks roaming the lawn in about 5 weeks. Maybe they will survive if I pen them each night.

Our friends, family and neighbors will be happy to know that I drained the pool and scrubbed it clean this weekend. Hopefully a few cases of beer will convince the local volunteer fire dep't to stop by with their tanker truck this week to help me refill it. 27,000 gallons would take an awfully long time to fill with a garden hose.

The pigs are still doing great, getting bigger and bigger. I finally broke down and bought them separate troughs, because the big one would just stand in the old one to keep the little one out, whereupon the little one would just flip the whole thing over onto the floor. They were wasting a lot of feed that way.

Walking through the yard at this time of year is just amazing. Every day something new is blooming. Yesterday bright blue irises blossomed among the fading tulips. The raspberry bushes are now a sea of small flowers.White star shaped flowers are popping up everywhere. The mulberry trees, which were still bare 2 weeks ago, now are fully leaved and small green berries are already forming. The pear tree is so loaded with tiny pears that I don't know if the branches will support their weight when they are fully grown.

The garden is also incredible. I never dreamed it would be so successful this first year. Everything seems to be flourishing. The pole beans broke the earth yesterday morning and by nightfall were 3 inches tall! I have planted so many things that I don't know if I can even remember them all. Maybe I will go make a list and put that on the blog tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

love to visualize your descriptions. i was up at 5 a.m. to strap on my MP3 player and blast off with the Eagles "Hell Freezes Over" and ZZ Top "Eliminator". then out to my roses for their monthly bonding with the caretaker. lots of deadheading, cleaning dead branches and leaves before treating again for the dreadful black spot that has plaqued them for three years and their monthly feeding. by 8ish the songs were over, my roses smiling back at me, the yucca and hen&chicken weeded . yesterday was spring (60's to 70's) and today summer arived in its overnight suitcase as usual for here ( 90 by 11 a.m. with 100 % humidity)so every 2 to 3-day watering from now through September for the roses and they will bloom through the fall. one of my orchids, though, is giving me fits. it won't stop blooming and it's time for repotting in prep for their three month rest before dormancy. i guess there is always a radical in every family! "spring's bounty" comes on the micro level in my little world, but bounty is bounty - so nice. your news continues to be so refreshing.

BJ not BK said...

my aunt and mom run a personal greenhouse and have many flowerbeds. They have both started journaling their planting along with what and where they have planted, time, how things did, dates, etc. This way they will always know what is where long after it has died down.