The ground was dry enough that we got a lot of work done in the garden today. It is now entirely fenced in, and today we planted butternut squash, zucchini, watermelon, muskmelon, some kind of French melon (freedom melon?), pumpkins, cucumbers, 2 varieties of sweet corn, and pole beans. I also moved 4 tomato plants to the garden from indoors.
I built one of the two brooders needed for the birds coming the week after next. I used a giant plastic bin and cut a hole in the lid and covered it with wire mesh. The infrared light will hang above that. Then I built a platform for the interior out of the same wire cloth, it looks like it just might work. I think I've read enough now about how to brood ducklings and turkey poults because I'm starting to find conflicting information, so I will probably just ignore all of it and do whatever seems to make the birds healthy and happy.
Tomorrow I'll start getting the lawn mowed and then up to Green Bay to see Lexi.
Freedom melon sounds fitting. Last night Bobbie Flay went up against some French chef. It was the first time I ever wanted Iron Chef Flayk to win!
Now can I have some bacon?
Ummm freedom Melon. What is musk melon? Any plans for a cow? How cool would it be to make your own butter, cheese, and have fresh milk.
Muskmelon is what everyone else in the world calls canteloupe.
No plans at all for a cow. Cows are a lot of work and I really have no desire to go to the barn twice a day in the winter.
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